The IDA of the City of Sierra Vista serves as a conduit issuer of private activity bonds, which helps attract private investment to finance projects that provide a public benefit. Private activity bond financing is an alternative to commercial loans and is generally more attractive to borrowers because it may result in federal income tax exemption on interest paid on the bonds.
Eligible applicants can be a private sector (e.g., for-profit) entity, nonprofit, or public agency. The IDA’s professional team and counsel work closely with applicants to review the project and the financing structure to determine its eligibility.
With the exception of certain housing bonds, the IDA can finance projects located anywhere in Arizona. In addition, the IDA may issue bonds to finance projects outside of Arizona, if the out-of-state project provides a benefit within the state as determined by the IDA’s Board of Directors.
To learn more about bond financing with the The IDA, please visit the following pages: